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Our Member/Center Execution Plan

Job title: Full-Time Project Assistant

Extension: 4019

Email :ytpan@ncnu.edu.tw

Office : Room 114, 1st Floor, Computer and Network Center, Library Building

1. Digit Companions for Learning projects.

2. Assist the USR Companions for Learning projects.

Job Title: Administrator

Extension: 4041

Email :yhliu@ncnu.edu.tw

Office: Room 225, 2nd Floor, Computer and Network Center, Library Building

1.TANET Program Affairs

2.Information Security Management System (ISMS).

3. Cyber Security Management Act Affairs.

4.Assist in budget management.

5. Software and hardware of campus information equipment procurement.

Job Title: Engineer

Extension: 4048

Email :yenlchen@ncnu.edu.tw

Office: Room 225, 2nd Floor, Computer and Network Center, Library Building

1.TANET Program Affairs

2.TWAREN Program Affairs

3. Notify and Response Cyber Security Incident to Ministry of Education and Firewall Management.

4.Antivirus software – McAfee

Job title: Full-Time Project Assistant

Extension: 4045

Email :pswu@ncnu.edu.tw

Office: Room 225, 2nd Floor, Computer and Network Center, Library Building

1.TWAREN Program Affairs

2. Personal Information Protection Act Affairs

3.School website maintenance